Board of Directors
The NCAOA Board strives to keep members informed of vital policy and practice concerns, to provide valuable education and training, and to offer opportunities for all members to help shape the future of Aging in North Carolina. Through representation on regional, state, and national organizations, NCAOA board members serve as an effective voice for the organization and its members.
The NCAOA Board is guided by bylaws, which explain NCAOA's purpose, membership, duties and terms of Board members, Board officers, the Executive Committee, and other committees deemed appropriate by the Board.
The board invites you to contact them if you have an interest in serving on the board or have questions, concerns or comments. We are here to assist your organization.

Board Members
Suzanne Lafollette-Black
Leslee Breen
Annette Eubanks
Sandy Gregory
Kristen Perry
Kimberly Strong
Janice Tyler